Do acto criativo [purificação]

Susan Hiller, What every gardener knows¹, 2003

¹"What every gardener knows" is an audio installation, consisting of music written by Hiller based on Mendel's theory of inherited traits. The piece is an electronically timed carillon that precisely marks the hours, half-hours and quarter-hours; it is designed to be installed outdoors in a garden. The work was originally commissioned last summer for the exhibition "Genius Locii" in Stadtpark Lahr (Schwarzwald). Mendel's discovery of genetic patterns was used to justify the so-called 'science' of eugenics, which proposed the elimination of all individuals who carried 'undesirable' inherited traits, but Hiller's musical version of the Mendelian code instead reiterates and celebrates the variety and richness of the genetic patterns which characterize all living things.

Extraído de Susan Hiller Homepage.


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