Da série, Música electrónica (experimental) [II]

Apresento hoje um dos nomes incontornáveis da cena electrónica de vanguarda: Daniel Menche.

Untitled track 1, Eye on the Steel
Daniel Menche¹

¹Daniel Menche’s work originates from the idea that music can be created without instruments. Ideas, concepts, and focused vision all serve as source materials — and there is no restriction to the potential sound sources. Works stem from “somatic” sounds, relying on the body - heart, skin, lungs, larynx, to natural field recordings, relying on wind, animals, insects, water, fire, and stones, etc; from crude, lo-fi, and primitive electronics, broken microphones, damaged speakers, antique audio equipment, to, at times, mangled drones from instruments such as accordions, melodicas, organs, and bass guitars with heavy gauged strings. Although this is electronic music, synthesizers have never played any part in his work. Here, the living elements are foregrounded, not the technical or electronic elements, that go into music making - organic sound sources are the main emphasis in creating a living and emotional feeling to daniel menche’s form of electronic music.


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